Fitness Fridays

I want to be strong.

The response to "why?" is I want to be strong. Not, I want to be a size 0 or I want to look like Emily Ratajkowski, although it wouldn't hurt to look like Emily, but besides the point!

I want to be strong, my friends want to be strong, and we want to get there together, power in numbers y'all. We turned to our friend Milly, she's one of the strongest women I've ever met. Both physically and mentally. She encourages us, motivates, pushes, and guides. I finish each of her workouts wanting to die but it also leaves me wanting more because she reminds us we CAN DO MORE. 

I've invited Milly to a series completely guided by her so that she can share with you all what she's taught herself and in turn, taught us. They're things we can all do even at home. No fancy gym equipment needed, only the desire to be a better you. 

I want to be strong. I am going to be strong.

Follow along and join us in this process will you?

Now I have to leave the floor to Mills as promised :) 

Talk soon! - Bree 

When I was invited by Bree to take part in a new fitness series, I thought to myself, "Me? Really?" I've never been an athlete, I'm not a personal trainer, and I didn't think I had anything to offer regarding fitness. So again, I begged the question, "Me? Really?"




While I may not think I know much about fitness, how far I've come definitely proves me wrong. I began my fitness/healthy lifestyle journey just a few months ago. Not for anyone else, simply for myself. In essence, I'm a giver. I have a hard time saying no to people and animals alike, but after finding self extremely stressed out and worn thin, I realized that if I didn't take care of myself, how could I possibly take care of anyone or anything else? Along with the physical changes I've noticed, I feel the mental changes all the more. Instead of waking up sluggish or upset, I greet the day full of energy and content because you know what? I get to kick ass one more day! Instead of dreading sweating through my shirt while doing hill sprints or burpees, I look forward to my now "me time". After all is done, I can give 100% of myself to every other part of my life. 

\\ Where does one find the motivation though? //

When I first started taking my health seriously, day one was the hardest! We've all been there, hell, I was just there months ago. Scrolling through Instagram fitness posts, THINKING about working out, considering dressing in work-out clothes and peeling ourselves away from the comfort of our couch...NOT EASY. I was rummaging through the sea of clothing now too small in my closet and decided, although I wasn't as slim as I once was (be real, our bodies are ever changing), I wasn't going to buy bigger clothes. I was not going to buy comfy leggings to wear 24/7 and large shirts to hide in. I firmly decided that I was going to prove to myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to and that moment, I was setting it to lose weight, but more importantly, to become a complete bad-ass along the way. 

Whatever your goals are, make your days count. Make those workouts and every single rep count. We're our most brutal critics, but we can also be our biggest motivation.

I'm looking forward to checking in weekly to show what we are capable of, through example, and that it's never too late to give yourself the much needed and wanted TLC you've been craving.

See you next week!
Milly <3 

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